meet stray wilder

Stray is a nature loving kinda artist who creates works that inspire Earth-Friendly lifestyles. He likes long walks in the woods, climbing tall rocks and prefers sunrises to sunsets. His favorite color is forest green and he loves raw fish.

Stray is the alter ego of nature-led, multidisciplinary artist, and founder of Stray Wild, TJ Smith. TJ’s love for the outdoors has materialized into Stray Wilder, a personified path of creating for nature.

TJ also pursues his own style of personal art endeavors, separate from Stray's, which can be found here.

select works

the wilder gallery & gathering

A multisensory experience blending art, nature, curated camp vintage and outdoor awareness into headquarters for nature loving humans.

Love Thompson Divide

Painting paired with Giving Tuesday for REI and Wilderness Workshop event.

wetlands habitat

Permanent art installation for the newly built Clifton Library.

howl for nature

an art exhibit created around the thought that we are currently at war with our planet.

protect the dolores

Artwork created here is in the spirit of an already establishment National Monument.